Month: July 2017
Fence Posts & Anthony
Tuesday Morning, July 4 Josh and Anthony looking at the new chicks. Abby asked if I could take care of Anthony for a few hours during the morning, so we went over to Jere and Kristen’s to see how the post hole digging was going. (For their chicken fence.) Jere, Josiah, and Cerwin The post […]
Jesse’s Birthday Party
Monday, July 3 First thing was taking a picture of Josiah and Josh. Since both have similar haircuts and beards, we thought they really look like cousins. Josiah was with us for a few days before beginning a trucking job out of North Dakota. Birthday supper. These three had their own table. My favorite part of […]
Rock Run Historic Area
This is where we concluded our day – after Conowingo Dam and the Italian lunch. We were in Hartford County – Jarrettsville, Maryland. We arrived here about 3:00 pm, so only toured the gristmill. There were several other buildings. This mill was built by John Stump III about 1800. There are four stories. Mr. Stump […]
Liberatore’s Ristorante with Roy & Deb
Our Mother’s & Father’s Day continued… Roy loves to find unique restaurants as gifts for us – like birthdays and Mother’s or Father’s Day. They had eaten here and thought it a perfect place to take us – after bird-watching at Conowingo Dam. The menu is Italian. The olive oil that we used for dipping our […]
Conowingo Dam with Roy & Deb
July 2 This day was our Mother’s Day & Father’s Day Gift from Roy & Deb. They know how much I enjoy bird-watching, so they planned a morning of looking for eagles and other wildlife at Conowingo Dam – not far from their house. They live in Amish Country – about an hour south of […]
Summer Rain
Friday, June 30 and Saturday, July 1 It was a week after our Truck Rally and I was getting caught up on Rally reports for the International Office. Somehow the rain was good therapy for my body, soul, and spirit – following a busy and fun series of weeks. Several weeks ago our grandson Ian […]
Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Elizabeth
We love you, Grandpa & Grandma High
Blessing Our Preachers – Part 9
Thursday Evening, June 29 This time it was the youngest of our preachers that we chose to bless by taking his family to Brickerville House Restaurant. Jon and Keri Cassel and their family are on the left. (left to right) Emma, Jon, Aubrey, Austin, Keri and Ethan. They chose Tyson and Adrienne Snyder as the family […]
Truck Rally – Part 3 – Rally Celebration
Sunday, June 25 Susie and Sam – Sunday morning welcoming committee. They stayed at our house overnight. The Perrys provided the worship service between 10:30 and 11:30 am for about 200 people. Following the worship service we went outside for the new chapel dedication. Cerwin opened with a few comments on how this chapel […]
Happy Birthday to Our Favorite Roy
We love you! Daddy & Mother High
Truck Rally 2017 – Part 2
June 24, 2017 – Continued Trucks returning from the parade of trucks. I understand that this is a new trailer. I commend the owner on the choice of lettering. Effects of the early morning rain created a splash and play area. The 171 trucks are all back on the grounds of Lebanon Expo. The […]
Truck Rally 2017 – Part 1
Saturday, June 24 I posted all 773 pictures in a Facebook album: If you like trucks, you are welcome to go there. The Expo’s new sign is attention-getting. Packaging cookies on Friday evening This waitress is my “protector”! This year she sat in “my” seat until I arrived. I am not sure how many years ago […]
I Love Our Neighborhood!
I drove one mile today – to check on the chicken fence being installed at Jere and Kristen’s house – and noticed this neat sign of patriotism at a neighbor’s farm.
A New Light/Fan for an Old House
The light above our kitchen table stopped working a few days ago, so my fix-or-install-almost-anything-husband bought and installed a new one. It’s nice having a new, working light. After he was finished, I said, “It’s nice to have something new in our fifty-year-old house.” It was fifty years ago this spring, summer, and fall (March-October) […]
Our Shasta Daisies
I know summer is here when our Shasta daisies are in full bloom. It is easy to look at them as a group and miss all that is going on in the white and yellow beauty. But when I focus on individual flowers, I see other things. Imperfections, over-the-hill petals, tiny bugs and… …larger critters. When […]
Supper with Chaplain Dave & Laura
Tuesday Evening, June 20 We specifically set an evening aside to visit with Dave and Laura Hertle who were visiting from Omaha, Nebraska – to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Laura grew up in this area and has a large family of siblings, nieces and nephews, so their four children planned the celebration to be held in the […]