Tuesday, July 18
Following our ride on the dinner car, we checked the children’s activities.
Anthony and Abigail went on this ride.
Jesse was on a cranky car, so waited for a later ride on the pint-sized pufferbelly.
This ride is powered by hands and arms.
If there is nobody in line, children can go around the track several times, if there is a line, I think the limit is two times. Then you go to the back of the line and wait your turn to go again.
Abby and Anthony are coming through the station again.
This was a fun opportunity for Grandpa and Jesse while Abby and Anthony were on the Pufferbelly. Anthony is too small for this one.
Back at the station
I thought maybe Anthony was too small to keep this moving, but he did a really great job.
Time for another Pufferbelly ride.
Our next stop was the playground.
I am always surprised how young children make friends in playgrounds. These two had fun together for awhile.
This was Anthony’s favorite thing in the playground.
He has a great imagination and pretended that he was the engineer.
He continually checked on his “passengers” and called, “All Aboard!”
I think Jesse was a train robber.
We were a bit big to fit inside, but he loved when he could convince us to sit in one of the cars.
Before going home he sat in a couple coin-operated trains – but we didn’t insert any coins.
A place for photos. By this time of the day it was quite hot. Notice Jesse’s wet hair.
Heading toward the car
Two of the trains we walked by
That was a fun day.
Train museums are always fun — this looks like a particularly good one for the littles!
We chose the kid friendly things.
There is a museum that Anthony may enjoy in a few years. It includes a lot of train information.