Tuesday, July 18
An engineer bringing a train into the station
Waiting for our train. Abby, Anthony, and Jesse.
We and Abby chose Strasburg Railroad for Anthony’s birthday because of his love of trains. Jesse got to go along because he was at our house. Also, he and Anthony are good friends.
They loved that we chose the dining car.
We chose it for two reasons – we were ready for lunch – and it was air conditioned. It was a hot day.
Leaving the station.
The conductor taking our tickets.
Anthony is watching other people get their lunch and wondering when his is coming.
Going by pretty Lancaster County countryside.
Yes! Lunch is here.
Anthony got a hot dog. Jesse got a whoopie pie. We told Jesse that he could order whatever he wanted. He ordered a whoopie pie and coke.
We made him eat something healthy for supper.
Whoopie pies came with many of the lunches. In this photo Anthony is taking a bite of his mom’s – which came with her sandwich wrap.
Enjoying lunch and the scenery
That was a neat experience.
More of our visit to the railroad tomorrow night.
What a fun thing for Anthony’s birthday — how old is he?
He was three in May.