Monday, June 17
Jesse was here for the week, because his brothers Ian and Jared were in Wyoming for a science trip (through school), his big sister and brother have jobs, his dad had a busy week at DHIA with meetings, and his mom was doing her own job at the doctors office, plus filling in for a coworker who was on vacation, and another one whose husband is in the hospital.
He wanted me to take a picture of him looking sad that there was so much work.
But he wasn’t really sad.
Cutting the strapping that holds a pack of 100 Highways.
When a bundle is finished, they are put in a post office bag like this. When we were finished there were seven bags.
The mailing was ready for the post office for Tuesday morning.
At suppertime he read devotions to us.
He is so easy to have in the house.
Jesse is growing up, too.
I can see the changes in his face. I remember as a young teenager going with our youth group to the Mennonite Hour offices in Harrisonburg to stuff envelopes and put labels on something — I think it was Christmas literature. Such fun. We did it assembly-line style. Jesse was blessed to be able to spend the week with you — as the youngest he gets special privileges — a whole week alone with Grandpa and Grandma. 
What a busy family! Jesse seems to be growing up to be just as industrious as the others, and happy about helping!