Tuesday, July 11
I know I took pictures at the High Reunion on Sunday, July 9 – but they are nowhere to be found, so I must have accidentally deleted them. Consequently I am moving on to photos from Kids’ Days.
An Esbenshade’s employee welcomed us to the event.
When I received the email from Esbenshade’s, I thought it would be a fun morning for Ian, Jared, and Jesse – and for me as I enjoy seeing the animals from ZooAmerica, Hershey, PA.
The ZooAmerica employee told us about five critters – the first one being Black Jack the Black Snake who is six foot long.
There was an overflow audience, meaning that many did not fit under the tent.
Then we learned about Chuckwalla lizards.
This one’s name is Mesa.
Next we met Yoda the American Alligator
He is two years old.
Checkers is a Dessert Tortoise
You can tell by his feet that one of his skills is digging.
The last one was a red-tailed hawk.
They have named her Artemas.
When she was finished with her presentation, the kids were invited to go to a variety of stations through out the green houses. After the animals were back in the ZooAmerica vehicle, the children were invited back to the tent for ice cream and drink.
Jesse chose this game first. It is fairly simple, but the prizes were determined by the color circle your ball settled into.
Jesse received two prizes for this placement of balls.
A prize at this station was determined by what was written on the bottom of the duck you chose.
Most of the games were for young children, but these three had fun decorating balloons.
After having fun with their balloons, we went for ice cream and drink.
They could each choose a flower to plant – from a specified area. They didn’t think they wanted any, but I did, so I chose for them.
Following Esbenshade’s, they talked me into taking them to McDonalds for lunch
Jesse playing with a toy that came in his Happy Meal.
I miss doing this with the other grandchildren, but they are all grown up now with jobs and busy lives. These three will soon have outgrown it as well so I will enjoy days like this when I can.
These days with the boys look to be as much fun for you as for them!
I do enjoy Kids’ Days at Esbenshade’s – especially the presentation by ZooAmerica