Tuesday Evening, July 4
Jere and Kristen made a delicious supper for us and Josiah – a thank you gift for helping with the chicken barn and fence.
Josiah and Jesse playing with Jesse’s new baseball game.
Jere started the fireworks before it was very dark – because he was tired from the many days of hard work in making the chicken house and fence. He did not want to stay up late.
Jared helped with a few.
It looks like Ian acquired a “back problem.”
Playing with sparklers
Making s’mores
That was a nice evening.
I’ve never lived in a place where backyard fireworks were legal. How fun that must be, as long as people stay out of the way of harm! At this point, it’s illegal to have fireworks in most cities, but there are a few where you can get “safe and sane” fireworks — they’re often shot off in the next cities illegally! It’s sort ofo crazy!
We have lots of fireworks in our area – some backyard and many very large, beautiful fireworks in the local towns and cities.
We do have professional fireworks shows, and I happen to live in an area where you can sometimes see two or three shows at once — it’s quite spectacular!