Tuesday Morning, July 4
Josh and Anthony looking at the new chicks.
Abby asked if I could take care of Anthony for a few hours during the morning, so we went over to Jere and Kristen’s to see how the post hole digging was going. (For their chicken fence.)
Jere, Josiah, and Cerwin
The post holes were dug and the guys were setting the posts.
Josiah and Josh
As you can see, Colt was the supervisor.
Ian and Jared were pulling weeds while Jesse was around the corner washing the post hole digger.
Back at home – Anthony helped me clean the kitchen floor.
Then we went outside and filled bird feeders.
He likes to rake our red stones with the decorative rake I keep there.
Watering flowers
Filling the birdbath.
Cleaning the entrance slate
He was doing this when his mom came back about noon.
Wow — what a great little helper Anthony is — he’ll be a good worker when he grows up! I didn’t realize the chicken coop was only the beginning of a larger project!
Part of the chicken yard is for the older chickens – the ones laying eggs.
With such a wonderful “free range” space, they should have lots of eggs!
Kristen said that some suggested that they just let them have a run of the yard, but then it would be difficult to find the eggs.
LOL — I think I’d rather be able to find the eggs! But the chickens will have lots of space to run around!
Dittos to what “slmret” said. I was going to say exactly the same thing – what a great helper Anthony is. He’s always looked older than his age and he acts older, too. He will be a great blessing to many as he grows.
We can see a good and interesting work ethic in him already.