Tuesday Evening, June 20
We specifically set an evening aside to visit with Dave and Laura Hertle who were visiting from Omaha, Nebraska – to celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
Laura grew up in this area and has a large family of siblings, nieces and nephews, so their four children planned the celebration to be held in the Lancaster area. We were at the Macungie Antique Truck Show, so could not go to the party.
They considered staying with us until the Truck Rally – after their children went home. None live in this area – and most were staying in a house they rented for a few days. However, her brother Clyde and his wife, Doris, invited them to stay there and Dave and Laura knew it was a busy week for us due to Truck Rally.
Thus we planned an evening at Lititz Family Cupboard.
Laura and Dave (back left) and Doris and Clyde Martin in the foreground.
We had a great evening catching up on each other’s lives. We became friends with Dave and Laura in the mid-nineties when they came on staff with TFC and have visited them in Omaha several times. We have known Clyde and Doris just because he is Laura’s brother, and learned to know them better in the past few years because Dave and Laura usually stay in their home which is only a few miles from our house.
It was a great evening – a nice break from a busy Truck Rally week.
It seems to be the time for cross-country visits! I saw a friend from South Carolina, as well as Trish and Rob Ambrose this week. Such fun to see good friends!
Yes, Trish told me that she was with you. I told her that I am slightly jealous.
We had a great time! And one of these days I hope to meet you too!
One of these day!