Sunday, May 7
Jesse and Jared in the bottom sleeper of the chapel tractor.
They were with us over night – because their parents were chaperons for Manheim Central’s Post Prom – all night at a rec center.
I always enjoy this view of the Susquehanna just before we get on Route 30 west.
It was a rainy cool morning.
However, I could see the sun trying to break through the clouds in the rearview mirror.
Helping grandpa set up the steps to the chapel.
Jesse is already scoping out the kids activities.
Jesse proving that he fits into a storage box under the chapel – and Jared being tempted to shut the door.
As soon as we were set up, the boys went to the ticket table to see how much it cost to play on the obstacle course.
$10.00 for the day to play on or ride any of the activities. Grandpa thought that was a good deal.
Jared hurrying through the course.
Climbing the wall
By the end of the day Jared definitely got his $10 worth on this. Jesse probably got $40 worth out of his $10 payment. We had to call him in for the morning service and remind him it was time for lunch. After each activity he was back to going through the course.
These two came early to distribute the advertisements for the chapel service at 11:00 AM.
One of my set up jobs is putting out our display of books and literature – in the living quarters and in the chapel area.
Outside there were lots of signs directing drivers to the correct street and parking lot.
There were several “creatures” walking the lot to entertain the children – especially the Make A Wish children. I think this costume was new, because there were lots of yellow feathers blowing around the grounds during the afternoon.
Bill Menges – right – York Adams Chapter contact person for TFC helps us at this event and enjoys talking to visitors.
Cerwin and Bill conducted the fifteen-minute devotional.
I was surprised when this man came to the chapel and greeted me by saying my name.
He looked vaguely familiar, but I did not recognize him until he said his name – Joe Vena. I hadn’t seen him since the mid-eighties when he attended TFC functions.
What fun to catch up on his life. He moved to Gettysburg from New Jersey in recent years.
The beginning of the convoy.
I tried to take a picture of every truck and had 140 pictures, so expect there were about that many that left the Gettysburg Harley-Davidson lot.
I will give you just a sampling so you don’t have to look through all 140 vehicles.
Joe and Cerwin watching the parade.
We are parked in among the activities for the day so do not go out on this parade.
There was a display of race cars behind the chapel.
I was in the living quarters when I heard the beginning of the return of the trucks.
We had a nice group of visitors to the chapel.
Because of the cool, drizzly weather we couldn’t keep the door open or take a table display outside the chapel. We get to talk to a lot more people when we can be outside the chapel.
Crossing the Susquehanna on our way home. The river was high due to recent rains.
It was another good day of representing the Gospel of Jesus Christ at Make A Wish.
What a great cause! I didn’t realize how many children are served by Make a Wish! I hope your rains stop before the river overflows its banks!
Make A Wish blesses many families and we are glad to participate.