Tuesday, April 18
There is nothing quite like a Carolina Wren to announce the arrival of springtime weather.
He sings at the top of his little lungs many times throughout the day – trying to attract a partner to a newly built nest.
There is new growth and pretty flowers all around him and in our yard.
May Apples are covering our woodlot floor wherever there is no grass.
The May Apples are native to our woods.
I brought the ferns from another area many years ago. I forget where I got them – maybe from Jeff and Chris.
I enjoy seeing them when they are young and unfurling.
A mixture of creeping perennials
I can soon cut some mint tea.
I don’t know the name of this little flower.
When I took this picture on the 18th, the azalea were just budding – now they are in full bloom. (Pictures in a week or two – when I get to that date.)
Spring springs all of a sudden — your yard must be beautiful at this point, with everything in bloom!
It is as pretty as it gets.
After the loss of my mother, it truly does my heart good to see all these springtime photos ~ beautiful!
Springtime beauty is healing.