Month: April 2017
Feeling Accomplished
Saturday morning, April 8 I had roast beef and chicken in the refrigerator – both gifts – the roast beef from our daughter Deb & son-in-law Roy and the chicken was from two chicken barbecue meals from my sister Nancy & her husband, Marlin. After checking my pantry and pondering over the possibilities, I cooked a bag of […]
Looking for Lawn Mowing Jobs
It’s lawn mowing time and our grandson Ian is looking for a few more jobs.He also has a Toro zero turn for large yards. If interested call or message him at 717-810-7318 or if you have Facebook, message him at Ian High.
Springtime is Blessing My Soul
Saturday, April 8 Fire bush leaves are popping. Robins are plentiful Cerwin preparing to mow our yard for the first time this spring. I love when the sun shines on our pretty red-bellied woodpeckers. This one is a male. The red covers his entire head. The forsythia bush is adding color to our roadside bank. […]
Writing on the Wall
Wednesday, April 5 Our niece, Karen, texted me saying that she would like me to come to the farm and take a picture of some writing on the wall. Karen, her husband and son bought the Hershey Homestead (house and farm) from my brothers and are redoing the middle section of the house. They plan to move […]
Sitting in the Rain
It was a rainy morning, so I decided to take my camera along on my drive to the Lititz Post Office – to deliver a bulk mailing for TFC. I was hoping the Canada goose couple would be swimming in the farm pond so I could title this “Swimming in the Rain.” They come […]
A Sunset That Colored The Entire Sky
Wednesday Evening , April 5 When I saw this sky outside our living room window – which faces southeast – I knew there must be a pretty sunset. I was not disappointed when I went outside. Still looking southeast. South Southwest West North It has been a long time since I saw a sunset that […]
Red-bellied Woodpecker & Easter Eggs
Monday, April 3 This female Red-bellied woodpecker looked pretty in the morning sun. The day got even better when my sister brought 6 freshly-made eggs – 4 peanut butter and 2 coconut. The peanut butter eggs have decorations that begin with the letter P – pink and purple. I eat the coconut and Cerwin eats […]
The Colors of Springtime in Our Yard
Sunday, April 2 This female downy just sat and watched as I took her photo from our car. I think she is enjoying the warmer weather. Inge, this is one of your daffodils – at the gravesite of your feline friends Timothy and Barnabas. Daffodils in our memory garden – from my dad. I brought three […]
A Birthday Party for Jana
Sunday, April 2 Kristen made homemade noodles for Jana’s choice of fettuccini for lunch. This looks like ingredients for a delicious salad. Sparkling grape juice Jana putting rolls in a basket Colt hoping that someone will give him a snack. Those at our table: Cerwin, Jana, Deb, Jared, and Josh The other table – clockwise: Kristen, Mother […]
Saying Goodbye to Our Friend David Kurtz
Monday Evening, April 3 We were in Maine during the New Year when we learned that a brain mass had recently been discovered, then a few days later another mass was found in David’s lower right lung. (David’s sister Mary Jane and her husband Dennis are part of our church family in Lewiston, Maine.) The information did […]
Spring Cleanup at TFC Headquarters
Saturday morning, April 1 The first two pictures are borrowed from Inge’s blog. Dan Witwer, Vice President of Staff Development, organized some friends and TFC staff to do spring cleanup on the grounds. If you would like to see the other people and pictures, go to Inge’s blog: Before everyone went home, they stopped in […]
Living Hope Native Ministries Banquet
Friday Evening, March 31 It was a rainy drive to Yoder’s in New Holland. Ephrata We liked the buggy’s mud flap. The screen welcomed us and told us to check out the door prizes. Many are items crafted by First Nations people and books written by LHNM missionaries and friends. We each received a numbered ticket […]
Homemade Granola
Thursday, March 30 I was on the way home from taking my step-mother to the eye doctor when I got a text from our daughter-in-law Kristen, asking if I would like some homemade granola. I texted back saying, “Sure.” We stopped for a few groceries and birthday snacks for our granddaughter’s birthday parties – Jenna […]
Playing It Cool
Thursday, March 30 When this squirrel saw me, it froze in place for a very long time. Maybe he thought I couldn’t see him if sat very still.:) Even when I moved a bit and he moved his head, his feet didn’t move. I find God’s critters to be so interesting.
Orange & Yellow at Our Feeders
Tuesday, March 29 The robins are back in our woods. I love to see their bright orange breasts. I see them in the yard more than in our trees. The other day I was watching one pulling a worm from the ground. It almost fell over backward when it finally came out of the ground. […]