Sunday, April 2
Kristen made homemade noodles for Jana’s choice of fettuccini for lunch.
This looks like ingredients for a delicious salad.
Sparkling grape juice
Jana putting rolls in a basket
Colt hoping that someone will give him a snack.
Those at our table: Cerwin, Jana, Deb, Jared, and Josh
The other table – clockwise: Kristen, Mother Hershey, Roy, Jesse, Ian, and Jere. (You already met those at the other table.)
Lunch is prepared.
Chicken breasts
Peas (I probably didn’t have to identify these.)
The honored guest gets to go first.
My plate
Time to open gifts and cards
Roy and Deb gave her some fun things for a future mission trip.
She has been accepted by YWAM (Youth With a Mission) and will be going to Cape Town, South Africa, in late September.
Jere and Kristen invited us to go along to visit when she graduates from YWAM. Yes, we are dreaming of going to South Africa next spring!
She will graduate from high school in June and – just maybe – go on a short back-packing mission trip to Europe.
Birthday cake
Notice the plane and luggage.
There were cookies between the layers.
It was a fun birthday lunch.
Jana has grown up to be a beautiful young lady! That looks like a delightful birthday luncheon, and I love the cake! Happy birthday to Jana — and happy adulthood!
She will enjoy your comment.