Month: April 2017
Helping a Church Member
Tuesday, April 18 Cerwin took these pictures with his cell phone. Several from our Sunday school class and church helped prepare this small farm for sale. Harold’s wife, Doris, died a few months ago, and he is not doing well emotionally, and needed help. I was not able to be there, and Cerwin said these few pictures […]
Blossoms & Birds Are Fascinating
Monday, April 17 Young blossoms on one of our white dogwood trees. One of our noisy little wrens is busy building a nest in our “pan” birdhouse. A chipping sparrow looked pretty in the evening sun. The male gold finches look exotic in their summer colors – almost like they belong in a rain forest atmosphere. Blossoms […]
Cherry Blossoms
We don’t have to go to Washington DC to see cherry blossoms. At first I thought this was our cherry tree, then realized the building is not our neighbor’s house. I had to think a bit to remember where I took the photo. It came from a day last week when I was driving through Lititz. The […]
Country Living
Outside our front window
Easter Dinner at Jere & Kristen’s
Sunday Afternoon, April 16 Checking out the pretty spring flowers in the garage where we had lunch. If I remember correctly, Jesse chose this one. I later learned that this hyacinth was for us. While we waited for others to arrive, Jere and Kristen wanted an updated family picture. As they walked back to the […]
Our Yard ~ Easter Weekend
April 15 & 16 I snapped the picture just as this goldfinch headed toward the ground. Remember when I advertised for Ian last week – that he was looking for a few more summer jobs. It worked! He got several calls and has begun some new jobs.
A breezy evening ruffled its feathers A beautiful, […]
Getting My Affogato Fix
Thursday Evening, April 13 My affogato and Cerwin’s ice cream at Fox Meadows Creamery We sat at a table for two and enjoyed the farm scenery – the farm that produces the milk for the ice cream products. We were surprised to look up and see Jeff (oldest son) and Chris walk in the door. […]
Happy Birthday to My Favorite Person
I love you!
A Mix of Things I Saw in Our Yard Last Week
Our brand new red bud tree is beginning to bud. We planted this in memory of Cerwin’s mother. Our dogwood trees were beginning to display their flowers. Our red maple was pretty in the evening sun as leaves were opening. The Eastern Bluebirds were back. The tulips are on their last days. It had no […]
Working the Field with Mules
Wednesday Afternoon, April 12 I was pleased to look out our kitchen window and notice our Amish neighbor working his field across the road from us. At first I thought it was Eli, but then noticed that it was his son, Jacob. Eli has not been farming the land in the past few years – […]
Blessing Our Preachers ~ Part 5
Wednesday Evening, April 12 Cerwin, Carl, Nancy, Broc, Braden, Bonnie, and Steve We were pleased to get our favorite table (Table 25) at Brickerville House Restaurant when we blessed Carl and Nancy Groff with a restaurant meal – and their choice of a family from our church that they would like to get to know […]
Seeing Shades of Yellow in Our Yard
Tuesday, April 11 Yellow is not a good color for me to wear because of my skin tones, but it’s a great color for my eyes to see.
Geranium & Eastern Bluebirds
Monday, April 10 My stepmother gave us a beautiful geranium. I am anxious to plant it in a flower bed on our patio so we can enjoy it all summer. I was glad to see a bluebird pair. We rarely see them but know they are in our woods I think he was looking for a […]
TFC York-Adams Chapter Banquet
Tuesday Evening, April 8 – Union Fire & Hose Company, Dover, PA We showed a slide program of truck rallies and ministry announcements as people gathered and ate their meal. Bill Menges, York-Adams Contact Person, welcomed everyone. He wanted to get several young people involved in the program, and asked this young girl to open with […]