Saturday, February 4
Now that I am in my 70s, I spend and entire week (or more) celebrating my birthday.
This year we began on Saturday by going to Hershey Gardens to see the Butterfly House and orchid display. Along the way I asked Cerwin if we could look for the farm where my Dad worked when I was born.
I think I was a young girl when I last saw it so I wasn’t even sure how to find it, but we knew that someone from our church lived in the area so put their address in our GPS.
We wound around a few back roads, then there it was! We lived in a section on the right.
I wish I had taken a picture of the entire spread. It is a beautifully kept farm and now owned by a grandson of the man (Howard Bomberger) who owned it when my dad worked there.
Prior to living on this farm, my parents served as house parents at the Milton S. Hershey Boy’s School in Hershey, PA.
I think we only lived here about two years before my parents moved back to the Hershey Farm near Penryn, PA, where he was born and where my dad began working for his dad.
This picture has nothing to do with the farm, but as we traveled, I noticed that the moon was still out and quite visible at noon.
Tomorrow night I will show you pictures from Hershey Gardens Butterfly House.
What a beautiful old home — do you know how many families lived there? It’s always interesting to go back to see where you grew up!
I do not know the family. The people who lived there when we did was Howard Bomberger. His son was Cyrus, and I think they lived there, and the current owner is David and according to friends at church, he is in his late 50s. They house is so large that I expect another family lives there as well.