Wednesday, January 25
It was good to see a sunrise following many foggy, cloudy, rainy mornings.
After getting a few things done in the office, we left for the Sauder lunch at Oregon Dairy.
This was begun many years ago to get Mother High’s siblings together, and because someone had to bring most of them, it turned into a cousins gathering. Now, because Mother and most of her siblings are enjoying Heaven, or they do not leave their retirement community, it has become a cousin’s luncheon – most of whom are retired.
Out of eight there are three siblings still living. John is 101 and Amos and Luke (the two youngest) are in their 80s.
Luke (the youngest) comes on occasion, but yesterday he was at the hospital with his wife, Willa Mae, who was having surgery (today) to remove a large grapefruit-sized tumor next to her stomach. Luke called Cerwin’s sister Velda this afternoon to tell her that surgery went well. They hope she will be well enough to go home by Sunday or Monday.
This was a fairly average group of 15. I missed one person in both pictures when he was out getting food at the buffet. We have had much larger groups and every once in a while there are only 8 or 10.
For some reason the cousins did a lot of fun reminiscing, so there was lots of laughter.
I got a lettuce salad with hot bacon dressing, corn nuggets, and mint tea.
On the way home, I enjoyed watching this couple (probably in their 70s) who were sitting on a bench near the traffic light where we were stopped. I loved observing their animated conversation and seeing their colorful sneakers.
I really enjoy seeing the many ways in which your extended families keep in touch!
The older I get the more I appreciate staying in touch.
I’m glad to hear Willa Mae is doing well. She is my cousin. I always enjoy when you include updates on them. I grew up in the church they go to, but left it years ago. I am much happier where I am now. I don’t often see them anymore. I need to take my 93 yr old Mom to see them after she gets home again.
I just love your posts! Keep up the good work!
It is always interesting to see the family connections between family and friends. Thank you for the kinds words.