Monday Morning, January 2
This shot of the moon was leftover in my camera from the night before when the moon and Venus were bright in the Maine sky.
Morning in the Myers’ backyard.
This trip to Cabela’s in Scarborough was for Heze’s 2016 birthday. Diane asked if she could be his date.
This store has a beautiful display of animals.
I especially enjoyed the African animals.
Seeing some of these live – in Africa – is still on my bucket list.
The North American display
Beautiful artwork near the exit.
Our meeting spot at the end of our shopping experience.
From here we went to Famous Dave’s BBQ – for lunch – at the other end of the parking lot. I will post those pictures tomorrow night.
What a lovely store — and beautiful photos of the animals!
I didn’t have much time to shop because I thoroughly enjoyed the animal displays.
Although we lived in Africa a total of 6 years, we never saw an elephant. We weren’t near a game preserve and never went to one. We did see a whole lots of goats and chickens, too many snakes, and an occasional monkey.
I would love to visit, and still dream of doing that sometime.