Wednesday, December 28
This was the scene as we turned into Roy and Deb’s road – to go out with them for supper.
Just before turning into their driveway.
This was for Roy’s 2016 birthday – which was in July.
He had actually chosen something else that didn’t materialize, so he decided to wait until the week between Christmas and New Year when he does not have work.
He and I share a love of eating at new and unusual restaurants. We told him to choose whatever he wanted. He said, “How about Hawaii?” I said that wouldn’t fit into our birthday gift budget. So he asked about going to California. I replied, “Same thing.” Try the east coast.
Eventually he got back to us saying he had chosen Blackfin Blues in Port Deposit, Maryland – about half an hour from their place.
A blue crab design on the wall near our table.
Roy and Deb checking out the menu.
Posing for me
Deb’s Iceberg Wedge
Cerwin’s Filet Au Poivre
Roy got the special. I forget what it was, but it was definitely seafood. The mashed potatoes were made with eggnog. They guys liked it but I thought it was a bit sweet.
Deb’s Filet Au Poivre (same description as Cerwins). She chose mashed sweet potatoes.
My Veal Oscar
We were certainly not hungry, but were tempted by this berry cake, so ordered one and asked our waitress to bring 4 forks.
We exited the front door and walked around the block to enjoy this neat town at night.
Looking down the other side of the street.
Port Deposit has some interesting history. It would be fun to spend some time there and check it out.
Back in the parking lot
The Susquehanna River is just a block away, so Roy drove down an alley to show it to us.
This is close to where the river enters the Chesapeake Bay.
It was a fabulous evening! Thanks for choosing this place Roy.