Sunday evening, October 23
This year we were on the committee to plan an activity for “The Old Gang” – which is made up of guys who ran around together 50+ years ago and their wives.
We chose The Brickerville House because it is close to us and has a nice room for 30-40 people.
There was an hour for visiting before supper.
As often happens the ladies were in one area of the room and the men in another.
We chose the middle of the afternoon, because there was no charge for the room – between 3 pm and 6 pm.
It is nice going to an attractive room where somebody else does the cooking.
4:00 pm – Time for supper
Following supper Rachel had a game of trivia -multiple choice.
Rachel and Wil were the other couple on the committee.
They had prizes – 3 dishs of chocolates – for the trivia winner, for the couple married the longest, and for the couple with the most grandchildren. We were tie for the most grandchildren, but deferred the gift to the other couple since we were on the committee.
After the games and gifts, Wil (blue shirt on the right) led a time of sharing old memories. Since the guys were “The Old Gang” there were a lot of stories about fast cars.
That was fun.
Reunions of groups with common interest are always great fun! I recently attended a reunion of sorts of my high school class — a beach party, with about 25 people there. It was fun to see who was there, and to renew old memories with them!
I just had a school reunion too. The pictures will be coming in a few days.