Saturday, October 22
We were honored to be invited to Peyton and Bailey’s birthday party, and surprised to discover that I had my camera without a camera card. My camera holds two cards, and I had just removed photos and left both of them on the desk next to my laptop.
Consequently the pictures are from my cell phone – or Cerwins.
Jakey, Crystal (our niece) and their children Peyton and Bailey.
Their birthdays are both in October, so they always share a birthday party.
Crystal always makes a feast.
Jakey’s dad in the background taking a picture with his cell phone.
Jesse, Ian, and Jared enjoyed the food and playing on their devices while we visited with family and friends.
Back home, and using my Nikon, I enjoyed seeing the evening sunlight on the seed pods – in the flower bouquet that Jere and Kristen gave us before going to Chile.
It was a delightful Saturday.
That looks like a nice joint birthday party — and how nice that the boys were included. I LOVE the seed pods in that bouquet!
It is always fun to go to their place and have time with our sister-in-law’s family.