Monday, September 12 – Marietta, Pennsylvania, to Knoxville, Tennessee
We went to bed early last night – because our alarm would be blaring its wake-up call at 3 AM. – but not before seeing the beautiful sunset.
Ready to leave – 5 am Monday morning.
We were only on the road a short time when we went through a local town and a man on the sidewalk stopped, looked at our rig and made the sign of the cross. We received the blessing.
I love to see these crosses along the road. They make me feel blessed to live in a country where they can still be displayed.
Pulling into Love’s Truck Stop in Tom’s Brook, Virginia, for breakfast.
We talked to the driver of this bus who said he was going to be in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, later this week – with two state capital stops before that.
We were only on the road a short time when we were blessed by the wording on this bus.
Still feeling blessed.
Beautiful Virginia scenery
Another reminder of God’s love
Our second stop was a rest stop in Virginia.
When I see something like this – that looks like a combination of trees and weeds – I like to get closer to find the beauty.
Do you see the ant?
The last time we were in this area, the leaves were new and green. Now it is easy to see that autumn is just around the corner.
We went through three weigh stations. No problems for us because a chapel isn’t carrying a heavy load.
Beautiful Tennessee scenery
A trailer load of pumpkins
Another sign of fall.
We arrived at the Knoxville truck stop (background) about 3:15 pm. Perfect timing for Cerwin. He likes to get a parking spot while there are still parking choices. Truck stops fill up in the late evenings.
Chaplain Hank saw Cerwin at the fuel desk (paying for fuel) and brought him back to the chapel.
This chapel has been here for a long time, and is nestled in the trees next to the truck stop.
We had a great evening of fellowship – and supper – with Hank.
Now, as I type this last sentence it is 4:30 am on Tuesday and we are just about ready to pull out onto the road again. Destination today is someplace in western Arkansas – Cerwin said, “probably Texarkana.”