Saturday Afternoon, August 20
There were yellow roses on the windows of Line Lexington Mennonite Church in her honor.
She loved yellow.
There were songs and memories in her honor – some things that we knew about her and other things that we did not know – especially about her days as a young mother.
Cerwin and I were asked to share a few memories. The following are a few of mine.
We learned to know Alice and Sam in the late 80s – then when Cerwin and Sam began serving together with TFC in 1990, we learned to know them much better.
These are a few pictures I took of them in the past 26 years.
Because we served together in TFC, we did a lot of ministry travel together especially between 1990 and 2006 when the men were Northeast Region Directors.
One of my favorite memories of traveling with them was our vacation to Nova Scotia.
Alice did not enjoy trips that much – especially the travel part – but always supported Sam in everything he did with TFC.
I enjoyed hearing experiences from their growing up days and when their young family lived in Minnesota.
Alice loved to read and was always up-to-date on politics. She had great insight into people – especially those who should not be trusted.
She did not enjoy being in front of people, but was quite creative in knitting, sewing, and crocheting. She often made small welcome gifts for the staff and guests and placed them in the motel rooms when we went on TFC retreats.
I took this picture in April when Cerwin and I visited them because she was not doing well. It’s the last picture I have of her.
I was honored to be her friend.
Following the memorial service we were invited to the church pavilion to enjoy food and fellowship.
Katie, a granddaughter taking a picture of me. Notice she is wearing a yellow scarf. Many of the family members wore yellow.
One of Sam and Alice’s great-granddaughters walking in adult shoes got my attention.
Balance is a bit difficult when your shoes are too big.
Hanging onto a tree helps.
Alice Rittenhouse – April 1, 1928 to August 4, 2016.
Her favorite song:
Eastern Gate by Isaiah G. Martin
I will meet you in the morning,
Just inside the Eastern Gate;
Then be ready, faithful pilgrim,
Lest with you it be too late.- Refrain:
I will meet you, I will meet you
Just inside the Eastern Gate over there;
I will meet you, I will meet you,
I will meet you in the morning over there.
- Refrain:
- If you hasten off to glory,
Linger near the Eastern Gate,
For I’m coming in the morning;
So you’ll not have long to wait. - Keep your lamps all trimmed and burning;
For the Bridegroom watch and wait;
He’ll be with us at the meeting
Just inside the Eastern Gate. - Oh, the joys of that glad meeting
With the saints who for us wait!
What a blessed, happy meeting
Just inside the Eastern Gate!
A lovely tribute to a good friend of yours!
Thank you.
Doris, what a nice tribute. I recall meeting them at the TFC retreat about 10 years ago.
Thanks, Steve.