Thursday, August 11
We were here for the adoption of our great-nephew who has been with our niece Judi and her husband, Reuben, for most of his two years of life.
We didn’t know exactly where we were going, so we arrived early – as did some of the others. After finding the courthouse we took a walk along the river.
Waiting to be called into the courtroom.
You will notice our grandsons Ian, Jared, and Jesse in these pictures, because it was “Brother’s Week” (what used to be called Cousin’s Week). We thought this would be a good experience for them – and it was.
We couldn’t take pictures during the adoption proceedings, so this was my first picture inside the courtroom. Little Man is clapping – just because we were clapping when the judge declared him adopted.
We are delighted to welcome him into the High family.
The judge said to both parents – “You know adoption is not reversible. It is permanent.”
It made me think of the gentile’s adoption into the family of God. It is permanent and not reversible.
After he finished questioning both parents, the judge said, “I can’t think of any reason why I should not sign this paper. Is there anyone in the audience who has a reason why I should not sign this?”
We were unanimous in our agreement for the adoption.
He then signed the document and said, “Mr. & Mrs. Butikofer, you have a son.”
That is when we all clapped.
The judge, Reuben and Judi’s family, their paralegal, and their attorney.
The audience consisted of some of their supporters.
I asked them to clap again.
The two ladies on the right were instrumental in connecting Little Man with his parents. One (Lois on the right) knew he needed a family. The other (Lois’ friend) knew Reuben and Judi were wanting to adopt a second child.
Fist bumping with the attorney.
I noticed that Lois had a gift bag for the children – and as you can see, she was oblivious to those around her after opening her book.
Waiting to go outside. This was where we went through security when entering the courthouse.
The happy family
We took Reuben and Judi to The Sandwich Man – a few blocks from the courthouse – for lunch.
The restaurant wasn’t impressive from the outside, and the inside was quite ordinary – but the food was delicious. The four adults all got BLT Grinders. They were yummy.
I googled grinder to see how it is different from a sub. There is no difference. The name just came from a different area of the country.
Judi wanted a picture that included me. We almost forgot about it so asked Ian to take this picture in the parking garage.
Oh, what a wonderful, happy experience.
What a happy, happy post!
Yes, one of the happiest posts I have every done.
What a happy day! It looks like big sister is at the age where you asked them to smile, and they put on this big fake grin.
Yes and yes.
Blessed, happy day ~
Yes. For sure.