Friday evening, August 5
Our grandson Jordan was refreshing his pitching skills when we arrived.
Their usual pitcher – his brother-in-law Dustan – was on call at work and had to go somewhere toward Philadelphia.
Jordan said that he hadn’t pitched for awhile.
Then he showed his mom how to use his apparatus to keep score – his usual job.
Game time! They were playing Gray – another one of our church teams.
To sit on the Red side of the field, I was on the wrong side of the sun, so I didn’t take many pictures. Plus I had spent three days getting ready for company, so I just relaxed, enjoyed the game, and drank coffee.
We took these two guys along – Jared and Ian – and each time Jared saw me turn my camera toward him, he closed his eyes.
Ian is making plans to play with the Red team next year.
I didn’t realize until the game was over that this umpire was my cousin Mike.
Jordan did a good job of pitching.
I thought I could sneak in a picture of Jared with his eyes open – but it didn’t work.
Game over. Congratulations Gray!
This eliminated Red from the playoffs – but they had a great season and have a team that works well together.
Those are good low-light shots of the game! Sorry the season’s over for the red team, but their good season and teamwork make up for that!
I would have liked to see the win – for a variety of reasons – but they finished well.