Friday Evening, July 22
I guess it is fitting that Dutch Apple has a large apple tree next to the theatre.
This was Kristen’s choice for her 2016 birthday gift, so our dinner dates were Jere and Kristen.
We enjoyed a delicious meal (no pictures) before the show.
You cannot take pictures during the show, but I was able to take this one of two actors making announcements. As soon as I saw the maid, I said to Jere and Kristen, “That’s Hannah.” (our granddaughter). We loved watching her through out the show. Her actions were so much like Hannah’s.
It was incredibly well done with talented actors and actresses with fabulous costumes.
We were reacquainted with songs like Chim Chim Cher-ee, A Spoonful of Sugar, and of course Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Thanks, Kristen, for choosing this. It was fun spending the evening with you two.
What a wonderful choice for a birthday dinner!
Yes, it surely was a perfect choice.