Bible School is Over and We are Going Home

Friday, July 15

I didn’t take pictures during Bible school on Friday evening since everything would be similar to the past two entries.

I enjoyed the children’s story which emphasized that God has a place for each of us in His Kingdom.

It was a bit humorous as 5 Bible characters started out in settings that confused them and did not fit with their life. For instance: Zacchaeus had a sling shot. Queen Esther was in a tree. Jonah sat on a throne. David was in the mouth of a large fish, and Goliath just stood their looking confused because nothing was right. Each person shared their confusion, then exchanged places a few times before finding their place in God’s Kingdom.

The children went to their rooms; we had a challenging lesson in the sanctuary by Larry Kreider; there was singing and closing thoughts – then it was over for another year.

DSC_2903Jason Laughman got the job of removing things from the ceiling lights of the sanctuary.


DSC_2905Walls were cleared of underwater creatures.

DSC_2906People were carrying trash bags filled with things to be thrown away or stored until next year.

DSC_2909Notice the whale is gone and the walls have been cleared – and the ladder is moved to another light where undersea creatures had been dangling for the past week.

DSC_2915It was amazing how quickly the interior of our church was put back to normal.

I enjoyed walking into classrooms during the week and watching teachers in action – and pray that godly seeds have been sown into the lives of each student – children and adults.