White Oak Church of the Brethren Bible School – Tuesday, July 12
I wasn’t able to attend every night, but have lots of pictures to post – from the four out of five nights that I did attend.
Gathering by class before Bible school began
Grocery carts were available for food donations to Manheim Central Food Pantry.
I was on the balcony before the teachers and children came inside.
It felt like we were inside an ocean.
Tyler leading the singing
Our granddaughter Jana (black top) helped to teach one of the grade 3 classes.
Anthony (superintendent) welcomed everyone.
The theme verse
Opening devotions by Deitrick
Story time by David and his sons Caleb and Benny. “We’re going bear hunting and we’re not afraid.”
They went through swamps, rivers, and woods – squish, squish – swim, swim, stomp, stomp.
After each “difficulty” they reminded us – and themselves – that they were not afraid…
…until they met a “bear” – their little brother Elliot.
Then they went running back to their tent.
David asked if we noticed that they did not pray about their bear hunting trip or ask God to guide them. They just went – doing what they wanted to do. He reminded us to talk to God about each thing we do – asking Him for wisdom and guidance.
Going to their classrooms
I went around to many of the 23 classrooms to take a quick photo. There were two classes for each age group from Nursery to Grade 6. Grade 7 and Grade 8 had only one classroom. Grade 9 and above were in the sanctuary.
You may recognize the teacher on the right as our grandson Nathan. This was grade 7.
Taken from another angle when Nate was teaching. Our grandson Ian was in this class – just in front of the podium.
Bible memory work was sometimes conducted in the quietness of the hallway.
I barely recognized the doorway to our Sunday school class room.
I walked in this room and our grandson Jesse (orange) said, “Hi, Grandma.”
After making my rounds, I went back to the balcony and listened to the adult lesson with Luther.
Each night we heard messages (skype, recorded, or personal) from some of our missionaries who were supported by Bible school. This is Zachary and Monica Nolt, their son Jaden and Damon Crouse who serve in Maine.
Craig Russell and his daughters Madison and Abigail represented their family who have spent many years in Brazil. They are currently in North Carolina where Craig is training missionary pilots. Craig and Shannon have two other children – Daniel and Emily.
Tomorrow I will post pictures from another night of Bible school.
Thanks for the pics! Lots of hard work with all that decorating! God bless as you sow the seeds of the Word in these children’s lives! Linda Martin ( former white Oaker)
Thanks Linda. It was good to hear from you.
Somebody spent a LOT of time being very creative! Thanks for sharing the photos!
That is what I thought when I saw the sanctuary. Then I saw the hallway and rooms.
You have lots of talented people in your congregation! And wonderful participation by both the teachers and the taught. We never had an adult class in our VBS when I was growing up. I haven’t heard “The Windows of Heaven” in many years. I remember that an evangelist taught it to us one year at our fall revival week a long, long time ago.
Thanks for your comments. It is always good to hear from you. Are you home or still on your trip?
We got home late Sunday morning after flying the red eye from Portland to Detroit to home. Thanks for asking!
We used to go on “bear hunts” when we went camping. Fun memories of sitting around a campfire and going on bear hunts. Then just a couple weeks ago my sister took her grandchildren on a bear hunt. They loved it and beg to do it again.