Construction on the chapel for Houston, Texas – June 21 to 30
June 21 – our grandsons Jared and Ian helped install the insulation.
They also assisted with the ceiling.
June 23. Dave posing for the camera while the others work.
June 28. Cerwin picked up the steps at PBZ Fabricating.
The cabinets arrived that day as well.
June 29. Preparing to install paneling. After placing the paneling on the wall then removing it, this marks the spot for cutting an opening for the electrical outlet.
June 29. Glenn cutting an outlet opening.
Paneling – the living quarters.
The chapel area at the end of June.
As you can see by the previous picture, the paneling is all the same color and style. Shadowing makes the end of the chapel appear darker in this photo.
It’s wonderful watching the grandsons growing up and able to assist Grandpa with this labor of love. They’re becoming excellent young men.
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