Saturday, June 25 and Sunday, June 26
I am posting a variety of Truck Rally pictures here – for the benefit of those who don’t have Facebook.
If you want to see all 652 pictures from the 2016 Truck Rally, go to my Facebook “Album” and click on Truck Rally 2016 #1 or #2.
Drivers bring some of the country’s prettiest rigs to our rally.
The end of the parade.
Cerwin led the parade back to the fairgrounds.
This is when I began using our daughter Deb’s camera. She and I have the same model. Now I don’t have to worry about lines and red blotchy markings from a camera whose sensor is dying.
Baked goods usually sell well at this auction.
The Winross and model truck auction is a favorite for collectors.
The TFC table in West Hall – the vendor room.
I walked to the back field to get some pictures of the fleets.
I had never done that while the parade was still ongoing and was surprised to see the trucks from a new vantage point.
It was a great place to get some pictures as they entered the field from the entrance driveway.
We thought this driver was going to have a problem entering through the new fenced area at the entrance, but it was a piece of cake for him.
Children’s Activities
Barrel train
The corn bin is a favorite for the little ones and a great place for their mothers to visit.
The children could get free cotton candy or ice cream if they completed the scavenger hunt.
Face painting
Big Bright Bounces has fun equipment.
A new hit this year was the petting zoo.
I got to hold the snake while this lady went for some paperwork I needed so TFC could pay them.
Children’s Auction items
The Main Auction
You will probably notice some of my favorite people in the auction pictures. Deb, Ian, and Jesse.
The one in the green staff shirt is our grandson Jordan who does a great job of overseeing the auctions. Diana’s boyfriend, Donovan, on the left.
Our son-in-law Roy (yellow shirt). The auctioneer in this picture is Dave White.
Deb, Joel Heisey (auctioneer), Nathan, and Diana
Jeff Batzer (plaid shirt) TFC’s Executive Vice President was manning the International Chapel and telling people about our ministry to drivers.
The ice cream truck – a favorite place on a hot day.
The Children’s Auction
Josh and Allie took care of the auction table while Nevin and Theda were at the Children’s Auction – as auctioneer and clerk.
Our great-grandson, Anthony, enjoying the caution tape which is set up to give direction to the food lines.
Ken Martin’s Dodge was the featured antique in North Hall.
The DKers were a hit as they juggled the story of the Prodigal Son during the 4 PM Children’s Program.
Turning everything into gold – which the prodigal son thought he was going to do with his inherited money.
Mike Brown was one of the winners of the registered drivers door prizes.
Gene and Rose Gehman did a fabulous job of putting these together with purchased and donated items. Frank Calaman designed the boxes.
Our delicious supper – barbecue chicken or pulled pork by Peters Barbecuing – potatoes baked by Gerald Hoover – and the meal organized by Marv and Fay Sauder.
Cerwin was the MC for the evening program.
The Whisnants blessed our evening with fabulous gospel music.
Gene and Rose Gehman were in charge of the Prayers of Blessing.
Gene first asked the drivers wives to stand to be recognized and blessed with prayer.
Rose prayed for the ladies.
The drivers time of prayer and blessing.
Gene prayed for them.
TFC chaplains joined in prayer as they waited for Cerwin to announce the evening’s freewill offering for Transport For Christ.
Bunny gave a ministry update.
Then it was time to go home, but first we enjoyed seeing the lights of the few remaining trucks.
One of the local fire companies gave us a light show and demonstration of some of their equipment.
John and Karen Rissler’s rig is pretty any time of the day or night.
The next morning (Sunday) we were back at the fairgrounds for the Rally Celebration service. These girls turned the cover page back on the program guide to show the morning’s service lineup and handed them out to those who came for worship.
The Whisnants were in charge of the first hour.
Corby Russell asked for a bit of time to give the audience an update on his dad who had a medical emergency the day before and thank those who did his cleanup while he went to the hospital with his dad. Following a few tests this week, it was determined that Joe’s situation was caused by the heat.
Chaplain Jim Smalley had special prayer for the flood victims from his home state of West Virginia. Bunny was on stage to introduce Paul Michaud.
Paul shared his testimony of coming to salvation through Christ because of a church in Indiana who had a ministry to drivers. Then because of the TFC chapel in Massachusetts he was taught how to walk with and serve the Lord – much by Bunny who was a chaplain in Shrewsbury at the time. Paul lives in Maine and often stopped at Flynn’s Travel Plaza.
Our delicious meal was served by Dean and Carole Ziegler – Country Home Catering.
A wrap-up committee meeting was the last item of the day. Our son Jere (Rally Coordinator – red shirt) oversees this and Kristen (to his left) takes notes concerning things that need to be adjusted or changed for 2017. We will deal with those notes at our meeting in January.
While we were having our meeting a local dealership was moving in used cars for a sale they were conducting during the next week. They filled West and North Halls and used Center Hall for their desks and computers.
So ended another Rally. Thank you everyone: Committee, Volunteers, Sponsors, Vendors, Drivers, and those who came to enjoy the day.
Before we know it will be June 24 and 25, 2017 and time to do it all over again.
What a huge production! I’m sure there are glitches that happen along the way, but it looks as if everybody had a great time! It’s interesting — we have lots of trucks here, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a truck rally here!
I know there are some there, but not many go out on parade. I was standing with a truck photographer who said ours is one of his favorites because he see different trucks at ours, but that there is also one in California that he likes.