Saturday, June 25
I am going to post a few pictures here, but most of them will be on my Facebook page.
My camera was working okay during the first hour, then I noticed strange lines and red markings on the pictures.
I was disappointed that the sensor chose this day to go bad. Consequently you will see some photos with strange, vertical lines and red blotchy markings.
It was fun watching the Dutch Valley trucks arrive from three different directions at the same time. Most came from the north and east, then I saw another arriving from the south.
If you look closely, you can see the vertical lines on this picture of our son Jeff’s antique pickup truck.
Our grandson-in-law, Nathaniel, Abby, and Anthony arriving.
Lining up for the 11 AM parade
Cerwin lead the parade with the International Chapel.
Kyrel Rissler taking pictures with his drone camera.
I have a “thing” for these old trucks that have not been restored.
A wide view of a truck leaving the fairgrounds.
If you like to see trucks, go to my Facebook page – Doris Jean High – where I have downloaded the first half of my pictures.
An impressive array of trucks! I love the combination of the shiny new trucks and the antiques that haven’t been restored!
Cerwin said the first one – in the set of two – has a lot of horsepower under the hood.