Antique Truck Show at Macungie, PA

Friday, June 17

1 (1)We weren’t there very long before people began visiting the chapel – some came in alone, others with family or friends.

1 (2)While the men – Cerwin and Chaplain Steve – manned the chapel, I went for a walk to see what was happening in the vendor area of the park.

1 (3)It seems there is just about everything you may need to restore an old truck.

1 (4)If you aren’t into restoring a truck you can find toys.

1 (5)Chaplains Jake and Bob took the easy way to “walk” through the park.

1 (6)There were a few pretty things for the ladies or those trying to impress a lady.

1 (7)This is when I began realizing that something was wrong with my camera. See the pink sky. It is supposed to be blue. 🙂

I noticed it on a few of my pictures at Diana’s graduation. Our daughter Deb thought my camera was searching for light at the graduation ceremony because it was getting dark outside.

1 (8)But these pictures were taken in daylight.

1 (9)Some pictures are okay, but others have vertical lines through them.

1 (11)We take the chapel here each year, so instead of taking pictures of lots of trucks, I try to come up with a plan. This time, as I walked through the park, among more than 700 trucks, I looked for the year 1944 – my birth year – and 1961 – the year I graduated from high school.

Notice the variety of states and towns represented in these few trucks.

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1 (18)Looking at the 1944 models made me feel rather old. 🙂

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DSC_4883This one is Cerwin’s birth year.



DSC_4889When I got back to the chapel, Cerwin was talking to a man and his son. I obviously didn’t take this picture to show you the TFC staff who were with us. Cerwin’s left elbow is covering Jake’s face and his right elbow is covering Steve’s face. 🙂 The chaplain you can see is Bob. His wife, Betty, is sitting in the chair with her back to the camera.

DSC_4891Our circle of supper friends


DSC_4894Our friend Doug is inviting everyone to supper. Maybe it is time for us to get in line.

DSC_4901He asked Chaplain Jake to come to the microphone and tell everyone to visit us at the chapel and then pray for the meal.



DSC_4913There was lots of picnic-style food, but this is what I look forward to: shrimp…


DSC_4915…and corn on the cob.

DSC_4918A pretty view on our walk back to the chapel.

DSC_4919An evening scene from the chapel steps. Sunset was pretty in Macungie Park.

DSC_4920We enjoyed several more visitors before Chaplain Steve headed home and Bob and Betty went to a nearby motel. Jake slept on an air mattress in his van, his son, Jesse, chose the bottom bunk of the chapel tractor, and Cerwin and I slept in the chapel on the sofa bed air mattress.

More tomorrow night.