June 1 to 15
Wednesday, June 1. I received a call from Chrome Shop Mafia saying they had just shipped a partial skid of goodies to our office.
I was expecting a box of “goodies” from them, http://www.chromeshopmafia.com/truck-shows/ because they offered to give us goody bags for the first 125 drivers who register at the Truck Rally, but a partial skid surprised me. They sent really nice stuff.
I got 125 yellow bags, 125 catalogs, 125 calendars – also a model truck, several hats, 2 t-shirts, and 2 DVDs.
If you are bringing a truck to the Truck Rally this Saturday, come early to get a goody bag.
Saturday, June 11 – Our TFC staff (Bunny, Cerwin, Chris, and Jerry) were invited to take the International Chapel to Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) for the Pennsylvania State Truck Driving Championship.
More than 100 drivers from across the state came to showcase what it takes to handle a big rig by competing in a variety of skill events.
This is another opportunity for our staff to let the drivers know that Transport For Christ is available to encourage and assist them in many states and provinces across North America.
This is the view the guys had from their seats at the chapel, as they watched the drivers compete in a very difficult driving skills course.
Wednesday, June 15 – Jesse, Jared, and Gloria went with me to WalMart to shop for the Children’s Auction at the Truck Rally on June 25. Ian was helping Cerwin with chapel construction.
Many people bring good used items for the Children’s Auction, but we also buy $300.00 worth of new things (paid for by a sponsor).
I told them to each spend about $75 and I would spend $75. We did very good. The bill was a few cents over $300 :).
Taking our things to the car.
This week I am putting the finishing touches on the things I do for the Truck Rally. It looks like we are going to have a beautiful day this year.
We’d love to see you there.
Looks like it’s coming together nicely!
Yes, we are feeling fairly organized.