Sunday, June 5
Since we arrived early I walked around their yard to see some of the results of Kristen’s green thumb.
Beautiful peonies
They have a great stand of tea.
More flowers
The Hershey homestead where I grew up is just across a few fields from Jere and Kristen’s house. We live just beyond the dairy barn on the left.
The chickens
Yes, she is supposed to look like that.
Front yard flowers
I got back in the house just as Josh was displaying a gift he received from Allie.
This kind of gift blesses my heart.
Jared and one of Roy and Deb’s rescued baby raccoons.
Jesse and another one
Lunch is ready
Allie’s mom made the pasta salad.
This was the first time we met Allie’s parents, Trudy and Rich (center).
Pretty table flowers from Jere and Kristen’s yard
I brought the cake – made by Lititz Family Cupboard.
The raccoons having fun.
Back at our house – I enjoyed the beauty of our new patio flower bed with the old, large bushes removed and all new flowers and bushes.
It was a wonderful day.
That looks like a great meal to round out a good day’s work. I love the animals — and the flowers — and your yard looks wonderful!
It was a delicious meal.