A few weeks ago Cerwin got the word from TFC President, Scott Weidner, to begin construction on a new chapel for Houston, Texas.
Yay! I get a road trip to Houston – which will take us through the only two states in the lower forty eight in which we have never traveled – Mississippi and Louisiana. (After that, Hawaii will be the only state we have not seen.)
This chapel will be placed a the Flying J, US 59 & Highway 242, New Caney (Houston), Texas.
Cerwin purchased this trailer for TFC at the end of last year in preparation for a new chapel, and was waiting for the word to begin construction.
The first job for Cerwin and Glenn is to remove the back doors.
Next, Glenn welds angle iron on the rear opening in preparation for a wall.
The angle iron frame is finished.
2 x 4 lumber – ready for the base flooring.
Clarence and Glenn cutting insulation board for over the fifth wheel area.
The base flooring was installed on Wednesday, May 18.
Clarence putting insulation between the 2 x 4s
The base floor is finished.
Because Cerwin could not take a picture of himself, this doesn’t show how he and Glenn make sure the trailer walls are straight. Cerwin uses a skid loader and 4 x 4 piece of lumber, then Glenn checks it with an eight foot straight edge. (Used trailer walls are never quite straight after years of hauling freight.)
The work crew on Thursday, May 26.
Trimming 2 x 4’s
The wall partition that goes between the chapel and living quarters.
Glenn fastening a line to make sure the wall sections are straight.
A wall section. Notice Inge in the background taking a picture.
This is what the chapel looked like by the end of work yesterday.
Once they had the ok to begin, it seemed to move pretty quickly! How long does it take to build a chapel from start to finish?
Three to four months if all goes well. We plan to deliver in mid-September.
What a great job that has taken you all over the country! Time to start over again!
I agree.
That is wonderful. What a great blessing.