Sunday Afternoon, April 10
I am not even going to attempt to put names to the flowers and budding trees in Sam’s orchard.
I’ll let you do that if you know what species they belong to.
There were a few signs of snow in the shaded areas.
Susie the dog (I think that’s her name), Sam, and Cerwin
After walking through the orchard we went into his greenhouse.
Then he showed us his basement seedlings.
Last summer’s produce from his and his sister Betty’s gardens.
While Sam went to get Alice out of bed, I took a few pictures in their dining area.
Alice had just spent several days in the hospital, then in rehab and feels better in bed, but it is good therapy for her to get up and walk several times a day.
I was pleased that we found her looking so good.
Sam is a fabulous caregiver to her – along with caring for his orchard and garden.
Then it was time to go home – this time by the turnpike – which is Cerwin’s favorite way to travel.
There weren’t as many opportunities to get pretty pictures as there were on the backroad drive, but Cerwin is happy when he can move forward as fast as possible.
When we travel west on the turnpike to the Lancaster-Lebanon exit, we go by “our” woodlot. We can barely see our house in the background to the right of my sister, Nancy and her husband, Marlin’s house.
It looks a bit more like springtime in our area now than it did when this picture was taken on the 10th.
It was a great afternoon – and like I said in the previous evening post – a vacation for my soul.
Nice to see Alice doing better. My wife likes back roads. I like freeways.
Spring is in all your photos. I love Srping. My yellow roses are back, but have a pink tint to them for some reason.
I love all the flowers of spring.
What a wonderful orchard — I think I see lots of apples and maybe cherries, and some oranges and lettuces and geraniums! I wondered if you might travel home on the turnpike! I didn’t realize that you live so close to the turnpike (is yours the big white house?
No that is my sister’s house. You can barely see the shape of the garage to the right of their house.
Thanks — I wasn’t sure! I do see where the garage is, peeking through the trees!
ahhhh ~ such wondrous spring photos!!!
It was delightful to my eyes.