Saturday Evening, April 9
We arrived at Dover Fire Hall, Dover, PA. early – 3 PM – to set up the TFC display, distribute programs, and donation envelopes on the tables.
By 5 PM the cooks were ready and this is what I got when I walked into the kitchen with my camera.
I forgot to get pictures of the silent auction which was held from 4 PM to 5 PM.
We enjoyed a delicious supper.
The Choraliers and Pearl did a fabulous job of bringing the Gospel to us in concert.
Mark, Carol, Kim, Dorothy, and Pearl. Mark, Carol, and Dorothy are siblings and Pearl is their mother.
Carol’s daughter Hannah
Mark and his wife, Jamie, joined Kim and Dorothy for this song.
The speaker was Ryan, a young, associate pastor from Harvest Chapel.
He could preach!
Cerwin gave an ministry update.
During their closing set they sang a song that listed all 66 books of the Bible – then they did it faster – then they did it backwards. .
Bill Menges, York-Adams Contact Person, gave the closing comments and prayers.
We were encouraged and blessed.
Backwards, Wow! When we lived in PA we were in Adams Co. Tom worked in York.
That right. I always forget that you lived in this area.
Between family parties and TFC banquets, you seem to be always pretty busy!
We have a delightful life in our retirement.
Agree with Janet, You are busy serving the Lord while enjoying friends and family.
God has blessed us with a great retirement.