Thursday, March 31
Oh what fun to have our oldest daughter Diane here for a few days and then for her to have their grandson, Anthony here, for a day and night.
Diane didn’t have to ask me twice if I wanted to go shopping with them.
The next few pictures are from my cell phone.
Our first stop was Good’s Store near Ephrata.
Trying on a “Mennonite” hat.
A summer hat
Another one
Then it was time for lunch at McDonalds.
I didn’t take any more pictures, but we went to three outlet grocery stores. Diane went into the last two alone, because Anthony was sleeping. Diane likes to stock up on bulk grocery supplies when visiting Pennsylvania.
It was a warm day, so I sat in the car and enjoyed watching traffic and people.
This was my first sighting of a male brown-headed cow bird this spring.
They grow so fast — it’s nice that Diane can see him fairly frequently!
He is very cute–nice photo tour.
We (Ok – my hubby) just capture a cowbird in our feeder too! You’re getting some great shots. Loved the cardinal mating ritual one! (we have some mutual friends on FB)