Pictures from Thursday, January 21 through Saturday, January 23
This was the day Jere and Kristen left for a business trip and vacation in Florida. Jesse was the first one home from school.
He had to estimate the length of something, then measure it to see how close he was.
This was the weekend the big snow was predicted for our area, and the Friday morning sunrise warned us that a “red sky in the morning is a sailor’s warning.”
Snow began just before suppertime.
Some of the birds got their last meal before finding a dry place for the night.
You know you are at grandpa and grandma’s house when you can get just what you ordered for supper: Buttered noodles, bacon, and pancakes.
While it snowed on the outside, we labeled the single Highway News and Good News – the February issue.
Ian, Jared, and Jesse are our three youngest grandchildren. Their sister, Jana, and brother, Josh, took care of themselves. Their house is just a mile from ours.
I’ll show some pictures from our snowstorm in my next entry.
How perfect that the snow didn’t begin until the end of the day! And grandparents are wonderful — food that you want, some nature, some homework, and some help in the office — what could good kids want?!
Perfect is a good choice of words.
Those boys are getting so big — and handsome! How nice to have three helpers during the snowy weather.
Yes, they are growing up and so much fun to have in the house.
The sunrise was spectacular. I was held back in third grade due to poor math skills. Nice to see them doing homework!
He will soon be beyond my math skills.