Locals Will Remember This Day ~ Tuesday, February 9
It was a beautiful snow day. Words are not necessary. Enjoy. The snow is gone, but it is good to be reminded of the beauty.
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
It was a beautiful snow day. Words are not necessary. Enjoy. The snow is gone, but it is good to be reminded of the beauty.
Friday, February 26 When we went back to Landis Homes on Friday morning to remove Mother’s belongings, we saw this beautiful memorial – outside her door. Cerwin and his sister, Velda, with Mother’s cartfull of personal items. Elvin removed a few things the day before – the clock and TV belong to his family. ~~~ There are not enough words in the […]
Monday, February 8 After the falconry program in the Small Arena, Cerwin joined me for the Archery Show by Chris Brackett Breaking a balloon I’m not sure what he was hitting here, but he shot small balls and Lifesavers. A taxidermist’s display I wanted Cerwin to see the dog competition. This time the show was competition […]
At this point, her obituary is only on Buch Funeral Home listing. He suggested that we wait until Monday to make it public so people know it is next weekend and not this weekend. To see it, go to the link below. http://www.buchfuneral.com/obituaries/obituary-listings?obId=795075#/obituaryInfo
Monday, February 8 I don’t derive great joy in going to where there are great crowds of people, but Cerwin, Jeff, Jordan, Donovan, Diana, and Gloria were going – and it was my birthday. What I do enjoy is watching activities that are going on in the Large and Small Arenas while the others are visiting […]
It doesn’t seem quite right to do a normal post tonight, so I will tell you a bit about my mother-in-law – especially my last day and a half with her. I met her fifty-five years ago when I was 17 and she was 43. That is when I first began dating her oldest son. (This picture of her and Daddy […]
Mother High went home to be with the Lord this morning at 7:12.
Saturday, February 6 I love the quietness and beauty of a mid-winter Saturday. As we went on our daily drive to Landis Homes to see Cerwin’s mother, we noticed an Amish farmer spreading manure. I may be a bit strange, but I enjoy the beauty of naked trees in midwinter. The artist P. Buckley Moss […]
If you have Facebook, I posted two videos of Cerwin and his brother, Elvin, and sister, Velda, singing to Mother High. Click on the following link. https://www.facebook.com/doris.j.high?fref=nf&pnref=story I don’t know how to get the videos to my blog.
One of my favorite thoughts on ordinary – or bad days – days when I feel ignored or taken for granted – is that I am never ignored by God. Ordinary sparrows and finches often remind me of God’s love and concern for me. I don’t think I have ever met a person who doesn’t have days […]
Wednesday, February 3 I love a pretty day.
Mother High seems to be getting weaker by the day. Today Cerwin asked if she is dreaming about Heaven these days. Her voice is now very weak, so we leaned in close to hear her say, “A lot.” He asked if she can describe Heaven. She said, “It’s difficult to describe, but it’s BEAUTIFUL.” We […]
Sunday, January 31 If you look closely, you can see a squirrel jumping from one branch to another. Did you find it? The beautiful evening sky
We love you! Grandpa & Grandma High
Saturday Evening, January 30 Cerwin was intrigued by these ground blinds. It appears that they are made to house a small heater – because of the small “chimneys.” Cerwin’s is a bit more portable than these. I enjoy visiting the vendors at these events. Carvings fascinate me. These are amazing works of art. More beautiful artwork […]
Saturday, January 30 White Oak Church of the Brethren Arrival time and refreshments – 9:15 to 9:45 AM Congregational singing – 9:45 to 10:15 Our excellent song leader was Linnea. Cerwin helped me with PowerPoint setup and took the congregational pictures. Bev gave the welcome and schedule for the day. I introduced the panel of ladies who each spoke […]