At this point the scope procedure is off for today, because she is feeling well and her stomach is no longer tender. The doctor thinks the stone moved. I told Mother, ‘It wouldn’t be the first time God moved a stone.’ She liked that.
Her medical team wants to evaluate her for another day or two, but by evening she was still doing well.
Some of her afternoon visitors: Our children – Jere, Diane, Deb, Kristen, and Mark.
These are cell phone pictures, but I did not want to take my big camera to the hospital.
Diane read a note to grandma that went with their family photo.
It was a great day for our family.
Praising the Lord and praying.
Thank you.
I hope that stone did move — and that she’ll continue to feel better. How great that so many of her grandkids could visit.
We are praying that as well. Mark and Diane are here (from Maine) for a church conference, and since Diane and Deb wanted to see each other (we live an hour apart) and the hospital is in the middle we had lunch in the hospital cafeteria.:) Jere and Kristen were talking about visiting grandma and another friend in the hospital, so we invited them to join us for lunch. What fun.
That is fun that you could all get together — sad that it had to be at the hospital, but a good half-way point since you were all going that direction anyway!