Saturday Evening, January 2
Our great-nephew Tavian
Our great-niece Elyse
Dot arranging some of the food.
My brother Clair (holding his grandson, Tavian), his wife Kate, and their son-in-law Rob watching the children playing.
It appears that something was funny.
Supper is served!
These next few pictures are fun. Our sister-in-law Brenda grabbed my camera as she watched the five Hershey siblings remising over childhood Christmas stories.
Dale, Nancy, Me, Clair, and Steve.
The Ziplock baggies included some of dad’s treasures that he found on the farm – the most valuable were some Indian relics – arrowheads, spearheads, etc. Our stepmother gave them to me a few years ago, so I had them identified by a local arrowhead expert.
This is the first time we were all in one spot since I had them identified last January.
Playing volleyball…
…with little ones weaving in and out among their feet.
Cute little Emma
Cousins: Laura, Jessie, Kate – and baby Anna
Molly checking out a dessert
It looks like Jenna and Madelynn are having a serious conversation.
That was a fun evening.
I love being with my family.
The joy of Christmas is the fellowship among families! How fun to have your dad’s treasures to remind you of childhood memories, too!
Yes, it was a fun occasion.
Good Morning, Doris. Love seeing so many happy people, food and children. Children make life exciting. We now have great grand children They are adorable.
How do those people stay so slim eating all of that great food?
We shared that food with a lot of people.
We have one great-grandchild.