Saturday Morning, November 28
Cerwin burning the trash pile near the pavilion has nothing to do with our brunch, other than it happened the same morning. (I took this picture from a house window.)
He wanted to get this job done before winter.
He was still stirring it when it was time to go to Anne’s house – next to the pavilion – so I took a picture as I walked by. He joined us a few minutes later.
Kevin and Becca picked up Starbucks coffee on the way to his mom’s house.
Hillary holding Kevin and Becca’s little guy – Abe.
I never turn down an invitation to Anne’s house, because I get to see nieces, nephews, grandnephews, and a grandniece.
Neil and Jessica. (At least I think it’s Neil, because Lincoln is clinging to him.) I still don’t know the twins apart…and I have known them since they were born.
Since Elyse in the only little girl, I expect these are hers.
Elyse appears to love Elmo and carefully arranged them on this chair.
This was the first time I met Tavian.
He was adopted by Rob and Jessica earlier this year.
Lincoln looking over grandma’s toys.
Siblings and their spouses – Kevin, Jessica, and Neil (siblings) – Rob, Hillary, and Becca (spouses).
Thanks, Anne, for inviting us and to everyone for making us feel welcome.
As a good Californian, when I saw the fire, my thought was that I hoped Cerwin was sure it was out before he left — but you have enough rain that I doubt the fire would take off as it would here! What a nice brunch tradition for Thanksgiving morning!
It was a damp, drizzly morning, so there was no issue with the fire spreading.