Happy Birthday To Our Favorite Hannah
We love you! Grandpa & Grandma
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
We love you! Grandpa & Grandma
Friday Evening, September 25 – 5:00 PM This interesting photo changes when you look at it from a different angle. The same picture I think this young man has a future in working for an auctioneer. Grandpa and grandson display chairs Another picture that changes when you look at it from a different angle. […]
Friday, September 25 & Saturday, September 26 ~~~ Several Items for Auction ~~~ I love these carvings – but they sell for amounts way beyond my budget. Love this marble roller. When you put marbles in the top, and listen to them go to the bottom, it sounds like a xylophone. A beautiful painting by […]
Inspired by Jesus, Brethren Disaster Ministries focuses on rebuilding homes, caring for children, and providing international relief by engaging our volunteers, supporters, and partners to serve communities recovering from disaster. Friday, September 25 Heifer, calves, and goats are donated for this auction. Checking out the animals that will be up for auction. Tom opening the the auction. This […]
Sunday, October 4 – Disembarking from our luxurious Carnival Splendor. 6:20 AM – coming into New York Harbor I almost missed seeing her. 7:17 AM 9:53 AM – Our Ideal busses were waiting for us. 10:00 AM – Disembarking is a long process, but since our number was called early, and we were at the right […]
Saturday, October 3 We woke up to a deck full of towel critters. I would like some of my birding friends to identify these birds. Our last day of concerts: Sharon Bethel Quartet (Quintet on this trip) and their wives. The Stutzmans Becky – from Times to Remember Travel – giving us some final instructions […]
Friday, October 2 7:32 AM – Entering the Port of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada A Royal Caribbean ship was already in port. That’s a lot of deck chairs A covered pool on our ship. 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM – Devotions in El Morroco Amos Raber Sharon Bethel Quartet Daniel Pollard: “Do we see […]
Thursday, October 1 This was the day that we looked forward to stopping in Halifax, Nova Scotia. However the weather changed our plans. The rain was fairly heavy in the early morning. It was about this time (7:30 AM) we learned that the seas were too rough and the winds too strong to pull into Halifax. Even though […]
Wednesday, September 30 – A Day At Sea The seas were a bit rough today. It didn’t bother either of us, but we learned later that some were sick. Since I was up early, I went to the Spectacular Lounge to check it out and saw Eduard Klassen’s harp on the stage. This was our […]
Tuesday, September 29 – Portland, Maine This is how we got our coffee – and sometimes Danish – in our room each morning about 6 AM. Our schedule said that we would be arriving in Portland about 8:00 AM – and we were. The wording showed up a bit better during a hazy morning than yesterday when […]
Tuesday, September 28 – Boston, Massachusetts Early morning beauty Inside the glass elevator. An elevator area A pretty stairway Our hallway on Deck 7 Breakfast Cerwin’s platter 9 AM to 12:00 PM – Morning Concert in El Morocco – The Stutzmans Margaret and Amos Raber Sharon Bethel Quartet Eduard and Christine Klassen He is a fabulous […]
Sunday, September 27 We left Ephrata about 6:45 AM – in two Ideal coaches and a mini-bus. Most of the others in our group of 430 had traveled to the city the day before. They came from various places in the country: New Zealand, Mexico, Canada, and many states in the USA. Entering Lincoln Tunnel. Holland Tunnel was closed due to a […]
There were four events that happened just before we went on the cruise, so I want to post three of them before I go into the details and photos from the cruise. I will work on the fourth one, Brethren Disaster Relief Auction, after I post the cruise photos. ~~~ Old Gang Get-Together – Sunday evening, September 20 We enjoyed a delicious […]
We love you! Daddy & Mother
Sunday, October 4 Pulling in to New York Harbor early this morning.