Wednesday, September 30 – A Day At Sea
The seas were a bit rough today. It didn’t bother either of us, but we learned later that some were sick.
Since I was up early, I went to the Spectacular Lounge to check it out and saw Eduard Klassen’s harp on the stage. This was our first day in the very large room.
Our water supply for the morning.
Margaret and Amos Raber opened the morning concert – 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM.
Singing one of their pretty love songs.
During lunch we heard that someone was going to design an ice sculpture – and located it at one end of the pool on Deck 9.
Before long, we could see that it was an Indian.
The Stulls and Cerwin watching the ice artist.
The elephant was also watching.
We passed this Carnival critter on the way to our room.
We stopped to shop – but didn’t buy anything.
It’s good that we had just eaten lunch.
Sarah and Nelson Coblentz opened the afternoon concert – 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
I forget what these five were up to – but it was probably something funny.
The skunk thought she smelled something strange in the room.
How easy it is to blame others for bad attitudes (smells) when it was us all the time.
Drawing her daddy’s nose and ears.
It’s the first time I ever saw a talking wet board.
It may have been at this point where these three exchanged voices.
Amos Raber helped out for this skit.
I am not sure how I missed taking pictures of the funniest part of Ryan’s part today. When he used real people to be “dummies” and sing “Jesus Loves Me.” I was probably laughing so much that I forgot I had a camera in front of me.
All dressed up and waiting for The Gold Pearl Restaurant doors to open for supper.
Our schedule told us that the dress code for the evening was elegant.
We could watch our waiter staff preparing for the meal.
CerCerwin chose alligator for his appetizer.
My appetizer: cold cherry soup.
The waiters and waitresses sang a song to us from the stairways.
The Cool Lounge where Daniel Pollard would be speaker later in the evening.
Daniel’s subject was “When the Storms Come.”
He told us a bit of his story which began in Trinidad.
There was a elephant in our room again – but this one was standing instead of sitting like the previous night.
Wonderful pictures/memories! With all the music on board and the musical events you attend, do you get to know some of the performers? I’m glad you weren’t bothered by the rough seas that day!
Thanks. We knew some of the performers ahead of time, but we did get to know them better.
Cerwin looked as elegant as I can imagine him looking. Where’s your elegant picture?
These pictures make me want to go on a cruise. I’ve never been on one.
This one was particularly good because of the christian input.
Simply sighing here at what we missed ~ just so wonderful!