There were four events that happened just before we went on the cruise, so I want to post three of them before I go into the details and photos from the cruise.
I will work on the fourth one, Brethren Disaster Relief Auction, after I post the cruise photos.
Old Gang Get-Together – Sunday evening, September 20
We enjoyed a delicious supper and evening at Bob and Lois’ house to celebrate our friendship with the old gang.
The old gang is made up of a lot of guys who “ran around” together when they were teenagers.
Many years ago – probably 40 to 45 years – after most of the guys had married, someone began this get-together.
It started with a picnic when our children were small. Now most of us have grandchildren and many have great-grandchildren.
A committee is chosen after each event – to plan the following year’s get-together. This year the committee provided soup, bread, and drink while the rest of us brought a salad or dessert.
Notice the bouquet of flowers – between the candles – on the nearest table.
This is what they looked like up close.
The beautiful view from Bob and Lois’ screened-in porch.
It was a delightful evening.
The next morning – Monday, September 21 – we had a beautiful sunrise.
A Birthday Supper With Jere and Kristen – Wednesday, September 23
I was so excited about going out with Jere and Kristen for their birthday meals that I forgot my camera – so we used cell phones.
I love spending time with our children.
Sauder Reunion – Saturday Evening, September 26
The reunion was held in a separate area of Landis Homes campus – making it possible for us to take Cerwin’s mother to the supper.
Mother recently had her 98th birthday and John’s 100th birthday is coming up in December, so Cerwin’s cousin Reba had a birthday cake made for them.
While Reba held the cake, we encouraged them to take a fingerfull of icing.
We placed them and Uncle Amos (a younger brother) in the open area of the room with chairs between the wheelchairs so their children and nieces and nephews could easily visit with them.
These are just a few of the delicious things we had for the covered dish supper.
Uncle John and Mother singing an old hymn.
Cerwin’s cousin Larry (left) came to ask John about an old church hymnal, after which they talked about a song that was a family favorite.
John said, “We sang it so often, I think I still know all the words.” Mother thought she knew the words as well. I asked them if they would sing it if I got everyone quiet. They said they would.
I can’t remember the name of the hymn, but everyone remembered it as Grandpa Sauder’s favorite, and a song the family often sang on the front porch in summertime.
It was a special moment.
Cerwin’s sister Doris read this and asked Mother about the name of the song. I found it online.
Rest By and By
Music: Rest By and By | Charles Edward Pollock
1. Often weary and worn on the pathway below, When the burden is heavy, my heart throbs with woe; Oh there comes a sweet whisper to quell ev’ry sigh, “Do not faint ’neath the load, there is rest by and by.” 2. It becometh not thee to seek earth’s transient bliss, Or thy treasure to place in a region like this; Tho’ the cross may seem heavy, the moments soon fly In the beautiful city, there is rest by and by. 3. You will not labor long for the Master below, Soon His call you will hear, your free spirit shall go To the light of His presence in mansions on high Where the faithful repose, there is rest by and by. Then, dear Saviour, I would not in sadness repine, Nor would here on a bed of sweet roses recline; For a country I seek where they nevermore die, And in Zion, my home, there is rest by and by. Refrain: There is rest by and by, In the beautiful city there is rest by and by. Where the ransomed shall live with the Saviour on high, In the beautiful city there is rest by and by.
Mother, Lucy, and the prayer shawl Lucy made for her last year after Mother fell and broke her hip.
It was an especially good reunion.
Mother High looks so happy. My mother is having a hard time. She is a believer, but I don’t think she has ever learned to trust God with every detail of her life. Right now she is losing control, and she’s scared. We hope to put her into Assisted Living at Grace Village.
Can you remember any of the words of the hymn? I have a pretty good memory for hymns.
Too much has happened since then so I can’t remember. I will ask Mother tomorrow and print it then.
You really were busy before your cruise — those all look like nice reunions
Yes, we had a busy week – but it was a good week.