Tuesday, September 15
Our niece Dorretta organized this party and brought the cup cakes.
This was during the time that Jere and Kristen were on a business trip, so we took these four along to the party: Jesse, Ian, Jared, and Jana.
Great-grandma and Jesse. He likes to remind her that she is ninety years older than him.
Mother likes to know how Jana is doing since her rough year health-wise.
We have greatly appreciated your prayers for Jana. Since her gallbladder was removed this summer, she is doing much better. However, since going off the nausea medication, she developed painful headaches. They are doing a variety of things to control those.
Mother reminded her that she is in her prayers.
Five generations: Mother, Velda, Dorretta, Justin, and Owen.
Since Mother has trouble hearing when there is background noise, we placed her at a table at the other end of the Café in Landis Homes. Everyone visited her in groups of two or three.
The flowers were her gift from everyone.
Owen was anxious for a cupcake.
Elvin (Cerwin’s brother) and Pat’s family.
What a fun evening.
I love that idea of having her at a smaller table and visiting a few at a time. My mother has the same problem. She’ll be 98 on Sunday. Pray for her please. She’s having back pain and is in Rehab at Grace Village. Thanks. We’re having the Sept. family party here Sun. evening, but Mother’s not well enough to come. I think I’ll bake her favorite cake, and my brother and I will take her a piece and visit earlier in the afternoon.
Yes, that was the best idea of the evening – to have her in a separate area of the room. Praying for your mother.
Those are wonderful photos — it looks like Cerwin’s mother is doing very well for her 98 years!
She is doing well right now, but her health is a bit fragile some weeks.
Such a very lovely lady ~ love the photos with her great-grandchildren’s hugs and kisses ~
Lovely for sure.