Saturday, August 22
The TFC chapel does not have a reserved space at this event, so we get up early – before I can take pictures as we travel.
Before long we saw signs of the sunrise.
After getting to our spot at The Buck, we enjoyed coffee and the beautiful morning. I thought this “tornado” shaped cloud was interesting.
There were a few other truckers who also arrived early to reserve their company spots.
We had several visitors before Chaplain Jake Wise (background) arrived at 9 AM with our canopy. He used it for a previous show when the chapel was in Ohio for promotional work.
By the time the benefit auction began, I had done my part in setting up the interior of the chapel, and Chaplain Jake and Volunteer Chaplain Bob Russell and his wife, Betty, were available to man the chapel, so I knew I had the freedom to go enjoy the auction.
It was nice to relax and enjoy the bidding – where nobody knew my name – even though I didn’t need anything. I did purchase a basket that included about two dozen Keurig K-cups and two coffee cups.
I am not sure how the idea began, but as I walked around the grounds taking pictures and talking to drivers, I began thanking those I recognized or learned had brought their truck to our rainy day Truck Rally in June.
It became a delight to watch the faces of the drivers as I told them that the 2015 Pennsylvania Truck Rally was the best ever in financial profit to TFC – even though it rained all day, the parade was canceled, and only 87 drivers brought their trucks to the Lebanon Expo.
Part of my praise story to the drivers was about the large Truck Rally sponsor check that arrived one week earlier. It was dated May, but arrived in our mail box on August 15. When I called the trucking company owner to explain what happened, he asked if he could tell me why he supports TFC. I said I would love to hear that.
He proceeded with the following story. “I rarely have to spend a weekend out on the road, but many years ago I ended up in Ontario, California, and spent the weekend on the chapel with Chaplain Doug Young and his wife, Carolyn (now retired). As I watched them minister to drivers, I became aware of the value of your chaplains and chapels and determined that this was a ministry worth supporting.”
God has ways of blessing us when we least expect!
Now back to the trucks at The Buck.
We understand that there were about 500.
I always enjoy seeing if John and Karen Rissler have done anything new to their beautiful rig – and this time they have a new scene on back of their cab.
It is difficult to take a good picture of the back of a cab when a trailer is attached.
Because I take so many photos of trucks, I try to look for trucks I have not seen before, or those with creative designs.
This was a truck I had not seen before, but the passenger door was open, so I walked up to look inside, then looked around to see if the driver was nearby. I don’t like shutting doors without a driver’s permission.
He noticed me before I saw him, and realized that I wanted to get a good photo, and quickly told me that I could shut the door.
Meanwhile, back at the chapel, I learned that Cerwin, Jake, and Bob also had a great day of sharing with drivers and friends and showing the chapel to those who were not familiar with truck stop ministry.
A.J. Blosenski is a generous supporter of Truckers For Miracle Kids and brings many of their beautiful burgundy trucks.
The truck next to us was difficult to photograph because of the sun and the many people who stopped to look at the pictures.
The placement of pictures was finished just a day or two before the show.
Needless to say, this truck will no longer be a working truck, but will only be taken to shows.
We tear down by 4 PM to make room for people to park in our spot for the evening truck pull.
Several of the pull trucks were already there when we left the grounds.
It was a great day for us.