A Favorite Photo From The Cruise Today
Wednesday, September 30 What a great way to cruise on a rainy day at sea – spending it with our group of 430 people on the Sail & Sing Christian Cruise – listening to fabulous gospel music and comedy.
Rest in the Lord and be willing to wait for Him. Psalm 37:7 (NLV)
Wednesday, September 30 What a great way to cruise on a rainy day at sea – spending it with our group of 430 people on the Sail & Sing Christian Cruise – listening to fabulous gospel music and comedy.
Tuesday, September 29 Because our port was Portland, Maine, we made plans to spend the day with our daughter Diane. It was delightful! Thanks, Diane, we loved being with you.
Monday, September 28 Seeing Boston from a Duck. I took this picture from our duck as another one passed us.
Our view of the Statue of Liberty from Carnival Splendor – through a window – while enjoying an evening church service with 430 other people on Sail & Sing Christian Cruise.
Internet will be sporatic for the next 8 days, so my posting will be sporatic.
Sunday, September 20 The music group and some others who were overseeing the day came to the chapel for prayer before the day began. We had parked the chapel here the night before – after the banquet and truck show. This was the first time we had the chapel at biker Sunday. It was fun showing lots […]
Sunday morning, September 20 We stayed with Sam and Alice Rittenhouse overnight – after the Bucks-Montgomery Truck Show and Dinner Concert. When we are there, I always enjoy taking a tour of his amazing orchard and garden. Much of the garden and orchard fruit and vegetables are over for the summer, but this is the time […]
Saturday, September 19 It was a beautiful afternoon for Bucks-Montgomery Chapter’s Truck Show. By 6 PM it was time for the evening dinner concert. Scott Weidner, TFC President and CEO gave a ministry update. We enjoyed a great concert by King’s Strings. They are a family of nine children. Two of them are in college, so there […]
We love you, Daddy & Mother
Friday, September 18 We received an invitation to a picnic at Landis Homes for Oregon House (Mother’s living area on the campus). It was for Mother and three guests. It suited Cerwin, his sister Velda, and me to go. We arrived early, and since it was a beautiful day we took the scenic route to the […]
Saturday morning, September 19 was a s’more kind of morning. This was a s’more package – a gift from Dustan and Jenna at their wedding. I microwaved the marshmallow and made this for Cerwin for a snack.
Tuesday, September 15 Our niece Dorretta organized this party and brought the cup cakes. This was during the time that Jere and Kristen were on a business trip, so we took these four along to the party: Jesse, Ian, Jared, and Jana. Great-grandma and Jesse. He likes to remind her that she is ninety years […]
Thursday Evening, September 17 The other night we were blessed with seeing this beautiful sunset on the way home from visiting Cerwin’s mother. The corn field across from our house. The night scene in front of our house. I love a beautiful sunset.
Tuesday, September 15 Jere & Kristen’s three youngest (Ian, Jared, and Jesse) spent a few days with us while their parents were on a business trip. One of their jobs after school was caring for the chickens. Ian is responsible for one of the water containers. Golf balls must be helpful in teaching chickens where to […]
Saturday, September 12 Pictures while waiting for the wedding party. Us Debbie and her dad. They had no idea that I was taking this picture. Garth (grooms cousin) Everyone had a s’more package – a gift from the bride and groom – so roasting marshmallows over candles became a good way to spend time while waiting for […]
Saturday, September 12 I have a lot of reception pictures, so I will post them in two parts. The hors d’oeuvres table. Kristen and Dale finish lighting the the candles. The cupcake table Cupcakes by our niece Amy Rohrer. These are snicker doodle. These and the lemon are my favorite. People filling up the room Waiting for the […]
Saturday, September 12 The Receiving Line After the wedding party and parents left the sanctuary, Nate gave the audience directions for the rest of the afternoon. Pictures from the receiving line. This is my brother Dale and his wife Dot. They had to be the first ones to leave the church, as they were in […]