Monday, August 17
It was an interesting, very local, quick rainfall.
Neighbors less than a mile away didn’t receive more than a few drops while we had a nice afternoon rain – about a quarter inch.
The yard was ready for a refresher – and could have used more.
I heard a loud noise that I thought was thunder – until I looked outside.
This branch missed the TFC pickup truck that Cerwin drives to work by only two feet. He usually takes it to work, but on this day he took the RAV4.
This branch landed close to the house.
So grateful that neither the truck or house were damaged.
Cerwin was glad for an excuse to use his brand new chainsaw.
His old one died in July – the day we had the large tree in our front yard taken down and he cut it up into firewood for Jere and Kristen.
Dave’s Lawn and Garden said he got his moneys worth out of the old one, because he bought it in 1987. If his new one lasts that long, Cerwin will be 102 before he needs another one. Maybe by that time he won’t be cutting up trees.
At least you hope he won’t be cutting up trees then. It’s amazing how loud a branch sounds when it falls. We have way too many trees in the yard of the A-frame next door where my daughter and her family live. If either of us could afford it, we’d have more of them taken down. We did get rid of 2 last year. Most of them are shagbark hickory, and they’re growing too close to the house. Glad that there was no damage from that branch!
We are always grateful when branches miss the house and a vehicle.