Sunday Evening, August 16
We became part of the surprise when Chris (our daughter-in-law and Jenna’s mother) asked if we would text Jenna on Sunday evening, asking if they could show us their house. I had recently mentioned to Jenna that I would like to see it, and Chris knew that. Chris said we should get there about 6:15 and keep them there until about 7:15. Dustan knew about the shower so was quite cooperative.
After leaving their house in Lititz, we went to another area of town so Jenna wouldn’t see our car heading to Dustan’s parent’s house (just outside of Lititz) where the shower was being held. We drove into the parking lot of the Moravian Church and saw this design in their yard. I thought it was a good life message for Dustan and Jenna. “Let God.”
When we got a text that they were in the house, we headed to the shower.
Jenna was a bit suspicious that something was going on, but things didn’t happen like she thought, so she was quite surprised when everyone was at the Rohrer’s.
Beautiful decorations.
The gifts were placed on a beautiful old table.
Dustan’s mother, Debbie, putting out a new platter of sandwiches. Her sister-in-law Kim is behind her.
I somehow forgot to photograph the dessert area.
There was assigned seating for the parents, grandparents, and girls in the wedding party.
Scott and Debbie, parents of the groom, and Jeff and Chris, parents of the bride.
Her attendants – Diana, Chelsey, Marcy, Maddy, and Gloria – helped the mothers plan this shower.
Grandparents: Grandpa Rohrer (Grandma Rohrer is standing in the back in white), Grandpa Shenk, Grandma Shenk, Cerwin, my seat, Grandma Wells, and Great-grandma Hershey.
I didn’t play this, so I am not sure how it was played, but I know our granddaughter Abby called “bingo” first.
It was fun watching them open gifts.
This was a beautifully decorated “R” for Rohrer (their last name). The photos were from their engagement photo shoot – by Kezie – and the R was decorated and given by our daughter-in-law Kristen and granddaughter Jana.
Reading the information on this beautiful, outside bush.
Jenna and her friends Kelsey and Kezie looking at pictures on a cell phone.
what a sweet shower!
It was so much fun to be a part of it.