Monday Evening, August 10
We had only gotten to one church game this summer, so when we heard that our church’s Red Team was in the championship playoffs, we made time to get there.
Preparing for the game against Chiques Gold.
White Oak Red went into this championship with an advantage of having already won two of the “best of five” games.
Our grandson Nathan (24) is assistant coach.
Our nephew Tristan came dressed to impress.
Can you tell by the body language that this game is not going well.
Our granddaughter Jana (left) and two of her friends watching the game.
Diana (granddaughter) and Donovan stopped to talk to Jana before going to their seat.
The second game did not go well for the Red team either.
That means the championship games were now tied – White Oak Red won 2 and Chiques Gold won 2.
We will go back the next evening to watch the final game.